Sunday, November 18, 2012

An Advent of Awareness

In Christianity, the period leading up to Christmas is Advent.  It is meant to be a time to prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas.  Growing up, Advent was a time to give up sweets or chocolate or being mean to my siblings - basically something to make me a better, more holy person.  Recently, I have tried each Advent to bring greater awareness or understanding to my life during that time, this is also a way to help me focus on 'the reason for the season.'  About a month ago, while thinking about what this advent would hold, I found myself listening to and reflecting on this song.  It is worth watching the music video as well (Thanks Lacey for introducing me to this song).

This made me think of various vulnerable populations in our world and the challenges they face.  Christmas is Jesus's birthday.  He came into this world born to an economically poor, immigrant family.  His very birth would have brought great scorn to his mother and her family, since she was unmarried when she got pregnant.  He continued to live his entire life with the outcasts of society and those that were vulnerable to ridicule - among other things.

In light of all of these reflections, I decided this Advent, I will focus on a different vulnerable population or social justice issue each week - some of these have been getting significant news coverage recently.  From my perspective, the first step in addressing some of these HUGE challenges is to be aware of them.  As a relational person, this is my invitation to you, to join me on this Advent Adventure.  I plan to make blogging my daily priority and will post from Nov. 24 - Dec. 22.  The four issues I will be addressing will be: Domestic Poverty, Global Water, Global Women's Education, and Domestic Immigration.  I hope to provide video links, interactive activities, personal experiences/reflections, statistics, and solutions/ways to get involved.  Each Saturday, I will send the link/introduction to the new topic.  If you would like daily reminders when the new blog is up, you need to let me know/opt in to that notification.  And, if you know others that would like to join our Advent Adventure, send me their emails and I will add them to the mailing list.

Here's to an Advent of Awareness!  The coming of greater knowledge.


  1. Awesome idea! I look forward to following along. And I'm glad you like the song!

  2. Karen I would love to follow this series of yours and join in. This sounds like a great challenge and reminder of why we actually celebrate the season. Count me in!
