Monday, October 21, 2013

So, what are you doing?

These first couple of weeks of training have been intense.  There is a fair balance between self-reflection and history of mission/theology of mission, etc.  As a classmate said, we are covering the 'ology's. 
Last week, we covered a bit about the church history (pre-/post-Vatican II)
For me, this really helped in clarifying the church's view on mission.  Many, including yours truly, hear the word mission and think go out and baptize, save souls, bring as many people into the church as possible - which was the idea pre-Vatican II.  Since the Second Vatican, there have been a number of changes, altering what mission looks like today in the Catholic church.  It is more about walking the walk than talking the talk (my summary not the words you will find in any of the documents with great Latin names explaining this concept).  Mission is about: going out, meeting people where they are at, accompanying them on their journey, and meeting human need.  The new perspective speaks of embracing an ecumenical view and learning from the unique gifts each faith and culture has to offer.  It suggests we be grounded in and motivated by scripture and our tradition but that is just the launching part to putting our faith of love into action.  One of my personal favorite lines in unity without uniformity. 

I hope that gives a little more perspective as to what I am joining :)  I still don't know what exactly my day to day 'work' will look like in Cambodia but it will have a much stronger human need aspect than a convert focus.

Now for your viewing pleasure:
 The 15th was St. Theresa Day - she is one of the Patron Saints of Maryknoll (I believe that is the relationship).  Anyway, their founder liked her.  Their founder also liked ice cream.  Thus, to celebrate, we ate ice cream Sundays with supper.  (From the left: Ashley - heading to Tanzania, Sr. ... Sr. Theresita, Sr. Marci, Sr... j/k, me :) )

Sleepy Hollow cemetery.  Washington Irving is buried back there behind Evey and Eli (the children of two of the lay missioners heading to El Salvador)
 The headless horseman almost stole my head...

This is our group!  Community Taco Dinner night - YUM! (Plus two parents and minus one missioner who was away this weekend).


  1. Thanks for adding me to the list to get your blog updates - look forward to hearing and seeing all about your adventure! Stef

    1. Thanks Stef! Hope all is well in AWEA land!

  2. Sleepy Hollow! How perfect for the season.

    1. No kidding! Should have known you would love that! Hope you are well!

  3. thanks for the great photography skills karen! keep 'em coming!

  4. Replies
    1. Not that you are biased or anything. It has garnered many comments here. If you ever need a model, let me know ;)
