Sunday, October 6, 2013

Moving to Ossining...

Needle pricks for vaccinations/blood draws - 10
Church blessings (one in DC, one in Portland, OR) – 2
States visited in the past two months (counting airports) – 11
Spending intentional time with family and friends – priceless

There's some things numbers can't count, for everything else... there are numbers?

Ok, so, I didn't exactly stick that landing :)

As you all know, I have at long last initiated this next adventure in my life that will likely culminate in 3.5 years in Cambodia. Before I embark on the next leg – Orientation Program – that offers continued time for mutual discernment, orientation to Maryknoll Lay Missioners, and preparation for overseas mission work, I wanted to offer a few thoughts from my preparation/transition over the past month.

For timeline folks, I left my life in DC on Aug. 22 through the midwest, wedding, and reunions made my way back to Oregon, which was filled with another wedding, many happy reunions, and time spent with as many family members and friends as I could fit into my life.

I have learned:

  1. I have some degree of object attachment for memory sake. I had very little trouble giving away items which I had obtained in the normal purchase for money manner. I had a much harder time parting with items that had been gifted to me by others and were being passed on in an anonymous fashion, as this would mean the story of that object was lost. Similarly, items that were passed on to others I know and love, were much easier to leave behind for further appreciation.
  2. Good-byes have become easier for me. Thanks to the miracles of technology, good bye really just means I can't poke you, physically, anymore, as we will not be physically present to one another. Likewise, I have deepened in my understanding that all relationships change over time – regardless of the physical distance between individuals. If all parties are committed to sustaining a connection, it will be sustained. If not, then one can thank the Universe for placing that person in our lives for those moments and the positive change they brought to our being.
  3. I have re-learned a lesson I seem to re-learn constantly: We are all so loved, if we will only let others do so. In transitions, it is amazing the love and support that comes from my friends and family, and complete strangers, from meals and orchestrating gatherings to kind words and emails, I in no way feel like I am embarking on this journey alone – though physically none of my current friends/family will be coming along, I carry all of you with me and only in that way, can I embark on this venture.

There is an analogy... may not be the correct word... I have been using to describe my transition thus far. I am like a potted plant. As with many potted plants, I can live in my comfortable little pot for my entire life. I have many, many, many amazing people who will water me, shine their light on me, provide me with everything I need to grow. My roots are strong and deep thanks to them and can become content with knowing every inch of that soil. Like many plants, however, to truly continue to grow and blossom, I need to be moved to a larger pot. At first, it will take some time to get used to new soil, perhaps nourishment coming from new sources, but in the end, I will be a better and strong plant for the experience.

With that, I will leave you with a few pictures from my final US adventures and thank you for your on going watering of the Karen plant. Cheers!

In case any of you all are letter writers is where you can reach me!
Karen Bortvedt
Maryknoll Lay Missioners
P.O. Box 307
Maryknoll, NY 10545-0307

This is Coco, formerly 1/3 my dog.  I decided to leave my 1/3 behind when I moved and miss it dearly...

Kansas City Federal Reserve.  Fascinating and free.

 One of my Border Servant Corps groupmates got married in Bellevue, NE.  Mini-Reunion!

This other girl I know got married.  We hiked for part of the bachlorette party (P.S. that is my sister, for those who couldn't figure it out)
Look who caught the toss bouquet...  I wanted the flowers...


  1. As the saying goes "Bloom where you're planted." I hope you're excited about this period of your life--lots of growth for you. Love, Leah
